New name and location!
Introducing Mud
Anyway, the comic is called "Mud," referencing the central character in the strip. I'll get more into what the strip's all about in another post, but in short, Mud is a Charlie Brown-esque character of high morals and low...everything else. He's self-loathing, largely unsuccessful in most of his endeavors, and generally unspectacular and slightly pathetic.
As far as this first completed 6-panel goes, well, you'll see it's pretty rough and seems to me to be kind of stiff. I haven't sketched seriously in years and years, and this is my first hack at this kind of drawing. I don't know the first thing about how to make a comic strip aside from what I've read.
That being said, I'm pretty pleased with this first attempt. I've written three other strips, and I intend to start illustrating one of them this week. My understanding is that as I grow more comfortable with the characters and the style, I should be able to draw the strips a bit faster and more efficiently, so hopefully I'll have the next one up sometime next week. That remains to be seen though, as I have other creative projects I'm working on most of the time now.
Without further ado, the first installment of "Mud":

*Note: I'll try and post a little more often the rest of this month, but I can't make any guarantees as I've been keeping myself busy writing/reading/watching/running/etc. Don't get me wrong, this is a good thing, but I still like to post as often as I have interesting things to post about.
**P.S. The blog will have a new name and new look very soon, so keep a look-out!
Plus Ones
Plus Ones- Okkervil River
No one wants to hear about your 97th tear
So dry your eyes or let it go uncried, my dear
I am all out of love to mouth into your ear
And not above letting a love song disappear before it's written
And no one wants a tune about the 100th luftballoon that was seen shooting from the window of your room
To be a spot against the sky's colossal gloom
And land deflated in some neighbor's state that's strewn with 99 others
8 chinese brothers
Well, there's a reason why the last is smiling wide and sitting higher than the others
Swinging his arms
You would probably die before you shot up 9 miles high
Your eyes dilated as light played upon the sight
Of TVC16 as it sings you goodnight
Relaxed as hell and locked up in cell 45
I hope you're feeling better
51st way to leave your lover
Admittedly, it doesn't seem to be as gentle or as clean as all the others
Even a scars all in the after hours of some Greenpoint bar
I told you, I can't listen, baby, 'bout the 4th time you were a lady and how your forthrightness betrayed a secret shyness
Stripped away by days of being hailed as "your highness"
And what's new pussycat, as you were once a lionness
They cut your claws out
Kitten, not everyone's keen on lighting candle 17, the party's done, the cake's all gone, the plates are clean
The chauffeur's near and from the cheerless mezzanine
And in just one year, this straight world could pay to see what they have been missing
You were caught kissing 8 chinese brothers
Well, there's a reason why the last is smiling wide and sitting higher than the others
Staking with charm
And he says, "Lets get lost, let them send out alarms
He says, "Let's get crossed out and come to harm"
"Lets make the world's stupidest stand and truly mean it
Lets hit the limit of loss over lover's arms
No, lets exceed it"
Thoughts at work
lazy saturday
Main news: I think I'm going to return to poker at the end of August, most likely--but possibly not until October. I've been saving up money from my new "job" and I've been thinking about using it to start an online bankroll, since the casino is really too far/troublesome to go every day and make a consistent enough profit to sustain me. Also, my lease ends at the end of August so I'll probably be leaving Boston (although I'm currently looking into alternatives to going home..).
As much as I dislike online poker compared to live play, it's a more realistic way for me to make a safer, steadier profit. I could treat it like a regular job (6-8 hour playing sessions/day), but since it's my own time I could be more flexible with when/what days I play. Also, I can play from home (wherever that may be), which is a plus. Not 100% yet, but it may be a nice alternative to going home in September.
Speaking of my love for Boston and inability to let it go, I ran across this on a friend's site and I've been meaning to share. If you're familiar with PostSecret (uh who isn't?) it's a similar deal. Here's one of the daily questions posted on The Wheel:

And here's his answer:

Check it out, it's pretty cool. I haven't seen it first-hand yet, but I believe it will be in Harvard Square beginning August 3rd. I live nearby so I might just have to go and write my own question...
That's it for today, friends. It's bright and sunny (and not rainy). Go outside!
*Note: I just realized I should probably change the name of my blog...it doesn't really apply anymore since, well, I'm working a 9 to 5 and I'm not playing poker right now. "The Life of Nate" makes more sense seeing as that's what it's basically become. I did not intend this. Ugh. I'll reevaluate soon.
Oh the places you'll go
This morning I woke up and it was the best I’ve felt in a long time. I can’t quite put my finger on it, because it certainly wasn’t the circumstances (I had work all day and it was raining outside). Still, I experienced incredible elation as I walked the rainy route to my work—and not because it was Friday (well…maybe a little bit because it was Friday).
Perhaps part (or a lot) of it is just my mood or natural changing state, but I like to think I’m again hopeful and excited about my possibilities for the future. I’ve been more than a little freaked out about financial burden placed on myself and my parents that comes with excessive loan debt and loss of jobs, not to mention my uncertainty as to where I’ll go/what I’ll do once my lease ends at the end of next month. On my good days it’s unequivocally LA or bust; on my bad days I often resign myself to the possibility of living at home for a few months—or longer—until I can get my finances somewhat in order.
But TODAY—today is a good day. (So far). Yes, it’s true, I am once again working a temp job that is 9 to 5, but I really am happy about the semblance of structure it’s reinstalling in my life right now. I’ve been pretty sick with a gross cold the past few days, and now that it’s finally kicking the bucket, I can finally see the fruits of this two-week excursion back into temp/office life. Once these two weeks are up, I want to carry this little bit of structure I have into the rest of August, so I can really challenge myself with the things I want to achieve—for that month and for the next few years.
Recently, I’ve been sketching storyboards for the comic strip I mentioned, which aren’t looking as awful as I’d initially imagined. I’m actually pretty psyched about the character designs for the two major characters I’ve finished (although I’m having trouble consistently replicating them—which proves a big problem for a regular strip…). Hopefully I’ll be able to draw, ink and finish the first strip over the next week, and once I do I’ll be sure to post it here for you!
As to my other endeavors, I’ve mentioned my reading and movie-watching, but I’d also like to focus again on my fitness (running/working out), work on developing some screenplay ideas, and, perhaps most importantly, focus once more on the documentary feature on Kuduro (a popular Angolan hip-hop music/dance) I want to pursue over the next few years.
While the future still remains blurry, August is certainly looking brighter. Ultimately, I think I will decide LA is the right choice, and one way or another, I’ll find a way to get out there and settled before the end of the year. Right now, at this moment, I’m not worried one bit.
On some other notes:
-Can’t wait for Funny People to come out at the end of the month—it looks fucking hilarious.
-Read: Short story "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" by Jorge Luis Borges
-Watch: "Stop Making Sense" Jonathan Demme directed Talking Heads concert documentery
-Listen: "The 59’ Sound" by the Gaslight Anthem. You’ll be hooked within minutes. Trust me.
Well, that’s it for today, kiddies. Until next time, eat your fruits and vegetables.
Summer Cleaning
I've dedicated this weekend to cleaning--and I mean more than just my apartment. I mentioned before I'm taking a break from poker to get other aspects of my life back on the right track. I'm by no means secure financially, but I should be OK for the next few weeks while I get myself situated. Unfortunately the 7-day detox fast has to be pushed back until at least next week, but that won't stop me from going grocery shopping at Harvest, Whole Foods or Trader Joes (all conveniently nearby) this weekend. Also going to try to cut down on my alcohol consumption...spent wayyy too much money on booze last weekend (though it was my bday).
On a happy note...I'm reading a LOT again. Probably the most I've read since Middle School, which doesn't say a lot about how much I read after...
Current reads/views include "Blood Meridian," "One Hundred Years of Solitude," a book of short stories and essays by Jorge Luis Borges (one of my all-time favorite writers), "Stop Making Sense" (Talking Heads doc by Demme) and "The Waking Life" if I can ever get it to work in my roommate's PS2...our only way of playing DVDs at the moment. It's SHIT for reliability. Also watched "Paprika" again recently..don't care what anyone says, I love that movie.
Finally have some movies I need to see in theaters too. Aside from the new HP movie, "Funny People" comes out soon, and I still need to see "The Hangover". Saw "500 Days of Summer" the other day...pretty good--I read the script while I was at my internship in LA, and I think it was executed about as well as it could have been for what the script was. Joseph Gordon Levitt--who I'm a fan of--was great, and Zooey Dechansel was cute and hatable at the same time, something I wasn't sure if she could pull off.
But nowww I'm getting critical and spouting off things that pop into my head, so I'll leave you with this:
Had a huge argument with my parents the other night about my future/our financial problems, which left me feeling pretty shitty and angry, but I still have a lot of hope for the next month and a half before me lease is up. No sense in getting upset about things I can't really control at the moment, so I might as well get the most out of the little I have right now. Got my movies, got my books, got my peeps, got Boston, got music, got Summer weather (finally...please stay!), got my running shoes, got my notebooks and my screenwriting software, and still got my ambitions (which reminds me, I just started working on a comic strip tentatively called "Mud"--still looking for an illustrator though cus my drawing skills are pretty poor)...hm quite a lot now that I look at it...
Definitely on a high cloud today...ah nothing like a little house-cleaning, yeah?
(NOTE: Once I get a few strips finished from the new comic, I'll post on this blog or another. I have several written, just looking for someone to draw...or maybe I'll try my hand...we'll see. Post the synopsis here eventually so check back soon!)
To start with, the last couple sessions went pretty poorly. Nothing devastating or out of the ordinary, just a pretty bad downswing, which is standard for poker (for those who took stats, variance plays a big roll in the game). At first I just intended to take a break for a while, but the more I thought about it and ran some things through in my head, the more I realized I need to make some changes.
So...I'm taking an extended leave of absence from poker in order to get my life straight in some other areas. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a bad place right now, but I'm certainly not where I'd like to be in setting myself up for the next several years and what I want to do with my life.
Poker has helped me stay true to my beliefs about work and money, but it's also kept me from focusing on some more important aspects of my life. Despite the title of this blog, I think my life right now needs a little more structure than it has. I've never been against structure, but rather I've been adamant in my disagreement with too much structure--balance is key.
What does this structure include? Well, since I (most likely) only have another month and a half in Boston, I want to spend the time doing the following more...
1. Eat healthy
2. Stay fit
3. Read
4. Write
5. Watch movies (less TV)
As of this weekend, I am beginning a week-long detox fast. While the health benefits of detox and alternative medicine in general are debatable, fasting and detox (expelling harmful toxins from the body by eating healthy and taking certain herbs--in this case in tea form) can be really effective on a psychological and spiritual level. Apparently it can really lighten the body and, effectively, the mind. I'm getting sick of continuously clogging my body with greasy fast food and microwavable shit, so I want to use this week-long fast as a springboard to a healthy eating lifestyle. I'll be eating just limited quantities of fruits and steamed vegetables and drinking lots of water and a special detox tea. Sounds gross I know, but I think this is needed.
Also, I'm going to try and start working on maintaining at least a semblance of a schedule. This includes, perhaps most importantly, getting up earlier to make more of my days instead of sleeping in and wasting away in front of the TV. Which brings me to media, i.e. watching more movies. Film is my life, so I really need to start taking greater advantage of my Netflix and watch less television.
Finally, I'd like to read more and run/work out regularly to stay (or get...) in better shape.
Over the next month and half before my lease for my apartment in Boston ends, this will be my charge. That means cutting out the irregularity and repercussions of the poker lifestyle. Of course, I will still be updating you on my "quest" to live free of the 9 to 5! Just with a little less poker...
(You'll certainly be hearing from me during my week-long fast...I'm sure I'll have a lot to write about...the degree of pain maybe?)
A huge pot just went down on Blue #30. It was raised preflop from early position by Fernando Gordo to 56,000. Bertrand Grospellier, Scott Cook and Don Tran all called the raise, creating a 4-way pot with more than 225,000 chips in it before a single community card came down. The flop was

Ummmm...to those of you who don't follow or no much about poker, there might not seem to be much wrong here. However, let me put this in perspective. This is the WSOP Main Event, the big one for poker players. Lots of amateurs enter, but at this point there are only 140 or so players left of the nearly 6500 that entered. Cook flopped a set of 5's, which turned into a full house on the turn. This is MONSTER hand. The other two guys flopped a pair of kings with top kicker (the ace). On a rainbow flop (three different suits) of 35K, those are also monster hands. I understand just calling on the flop and turn maybe, to try and slowplay the river. Seeing a turn on that board seems relatively safe, and after boating up seeing a river seems safe as well. But to just CALL on the river is absolutely ridiculous. I don't care what the situation is or who you are, 55 on a 35K38 board when no one has raised and both of the other players check to you on the river is almost ALWAYS going to be best. To those of you who aren't following: only three hands beat his 5's full of 3's: pocket 8's, pocket K's, and pocket 3's. When it's checked to him on the river, there is no chance the other two players have one of those three unless they were CERTAIN Cook was betting, which would have been foolish seeing as he showed no aggression during the hand whatsoever. So for Cook to not bet that river, even just a small bet of 300k-500k, is absolutely baffling.
I'm stunned, if this update is accurate. 6350 players are out of the richest tournament in poker and someone left doesn't have the ball to fire a bet on the river, last to act when it's checked to him, when he has a monster hand??? Just wow.
Anyway, I'm done ranting. More from me soon.
Free time
I have more time to watch movies, more times to read, more time to write. For the first time in a few months I've been taking advantage of my Netflix subscription.
Like any artist, it's necessary for a filmmaker to expose themselves to a wide range of work within their field. I believe the most original and beautiful work weaves inspiration from the collective library stored within the artist's mind, so in essence the more art one exposes themselves too, the greater the potential pool of material one can draw from to sew together a wholly new design.
The complex web of art is what perhaps draws me to film, where the overlap and global effect/affect is abundantly apparent. Already my own ideas and work owes the world to Gilliam, the Coens and Miyazaki, among numerous others. And beyond that lies the inspiration of Kafka, Borges, Matisse, Gauguin, Bob Dylan...
Thus, the importance of Netflix and the BPL to my continuing self-subjection to art in the hopes it will inspire and enhance my own work.
(read on only if you want to take the risk of being sufficiently bored by the conclusion)
Lately I've been interested in the minimal, which is interesting for me because I'm a self-proclaimed "hater" of realism. Yet I find myself drawn to the likes of Altman, Linklater and Jarmusch, among others. Perhaps it's my fascination with using subtlety to the greatest effect. I believe one of the most interesting aspects of film is not what you can show, but what you choose not to show...what sounds are not heard, what lines are not spoken. While the stage thrives in excess, film succeeds in restraint. This is true of acting, lighting, directing...and many other aspects. Of course, there are exceptions (and wonderful exceptions at that).
Personally, I find my interests lie with the clash of the fantastical, the "real" and the minimal. I grew up watching and reading fantasy and science fiction, utterly in awe of the amazing creations of the human mind that only exist on paper or the screen. Now, though, as I grow as a filmmaker and a person, I recognize the subtlety of the art of filmmaking, and I'm beginning to respect the works of those I mentioned above. Like my childhood awe at the inventions of Star Wars, my newly budding adult mind finds itself watching in wonderment the minimalistic violence of No Country for Old Men, the simple brooding of Before Sunrise and the amazing complexity with which Altman weaves seemingly endless and unconnected story-lines together in Nashville.
And now I find myself at the center, drawn to the magical realist works of Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the similarly beautiful films of Terry Gilliam. Film is life, but life is just too boring to film, I find--but sprinkle in some magic and pull it back so that only the bones remain, and I believe there might just be something there worth watching...or at least something I'd want to make.
Anyway, here are some recent movies I've Netflixed I'd recommend watching to anyone still reading: "Bleu" from the Trois Couleurs trilogy by Krzystof Kieslowki, "The Fountain" by Darren Aronofsky, "Dancer in the Dark" by Lars Von Trier (reallllly want to see "Antichrist" btw), and "Jesus Son" by Allison MacLean. Enjoy!
another day another dollar
Anyway, went today, hit the +$250 mark within an hour, and pretty much chilled for the next 4 hours. Finished up $235 for a nice start to the week.
Might pull the double and go tomorrow, since Wednesday I'm headed to an improve show my roommate is teching at the Improve Asylum and Thursday is me bdayyy. Birthday's are overrated but I can still use it as an excuse to hang out with good friends and drink more than I should.
And Friday is...well, Friday (tough to get a bus to the casino on Fridays also, since it's the end of the work week and peeps are looking for a way to let off some steam built up since the beginning of the week). Saturday is my joint partyyyy with my friend Jen...so psyched. Another short "work" week...have to make the most of it tomorrow I suppose...wish me luck at the tables!
Also recently (i.e. today), having second (or third...) thoughts about LA. There are so many things I want to do...but is LA really the place? Maybe I need to go somewhere my friends aren't...New York? Toronto? Abroad? I don't really care about money so my options are more open...
Today's been really nostalgic for me. I don't have regrets (except ONE, which I have told no one), but for some reason today I've been thinking a lot about my college life and relationships. I should say "relationship" (singular) since I've only been in one real relationship in college (and that one was short-lived). Anyway, it's been a weird few days.
I've been thinking a lot about life. About what I want to do for the rest of mine. And I've come to realize all of the things I want to do in my lifetime and how little I've done already...why must things like money, lust, apathy and hate get in the way of the great things people could achieve for the world?
I won't stray too deep into this line of thought, but what I'm getting at is that there are a lot of things that are fucked up about this world--and there are so few people alive willing to stand up to these deceptions. I want to be one of those people. I have been blind and apathetic my whole life, but I just now am starting to realize the things I can accomplish if only I set my mind to them...
Now I just need to figure out where to start...
Lazy lazy lazy
Tuesday I told myself I'd get things done around here (did not). Wednesday I had plans that night so wasn't worth taking the 1030 bus (9am bus was tooo early). Ironically, did get some things done yesterday.
Told myself I'm definitely going today, but woke up pleasantly with a thunderstorm raging outside my windows and thought, 'hey! it's not safe to take a bus in this weather!'
I think the motivation problem lies in the bus rides, not me not wanting to play cards. See, there are only buses from Boston at 9am, 1030am, 1230pm and 2pm, and it's a 2-hour trek to the Woods. The morning buses are hard for me to make, but when I take the later buses I don't get home until midnight (or 7am the next morning...). Not a fan of those hours. Need to start getting on a regular sleeping schedule I think....or at least a regular wake-up schedule.
Oh well, definitely going tomorrow...right?
(I do love a good morning thunderstorm complete with wind and rain though)
Recap: Last two weeks
-6/9/09: First day of the new "job" started off great. Made some big hands and was up over $400 in under three hours. I finished the day up a solid $375.
-6/10/09: Day two was a lot slower...slow table, boring players. Finally won a decent pot towards the end when I flopped two queens with king-queen to crack someone's pocket aces. Managed to finish up $75 or so.
Unfortunately...well, maybe not unfortunately...I had to take a week hiatus from the tables to go to the beach with my extended fam.
-6/23/09: First day back in the poker room went pretty badly. I was down $150 in less than two hours and decided to play a tournament with a $120 buy-in. 155 players entered, and the top 15 finishers would be paid $1000 even. After a shitty run of cards, I finished 17th, two off the money with $0 to show for it. An hour later and $40 lost at the blackjack tables, I was down over $300. It was well past midnight at this point and the next bus wasn't til 4:30 in the morning, so I went back to the cash tables. Finally found some good fortune and cut my losses to just over $100. First day in the negative.
-6/29/09: And that brings me to yesterday...well yesterday was a roller-coaster. At my first table, not much going and was down $50 after several hours. Took a dinner break and sat down at a new table. Doing pretty well, and thought I'd call it a night up $70 or so on the night, since my bus was leaving in 10 minutes. Decided to play ONE MORE HAND. Famous last words--but in this case in a good way. Called a raise with Ace-six and flopped three 6's (667). Guy bet $25, I raise to $75, he calls. Turn is an 8. I bet all in for $150, and he calls right away. He has 45 and turned a straight to my set. River is the last 6. I make quads and take down the $500+ pot. Gotta get lucky sometimes I guess...bad play on my part, but I'll take it.
At this point I should have left, since the bus left in 5 minutes, but in poker it's really rude to win a giant pot and leave right away, especially if you had to get lucky to do it...so I decided to stick around until the 4:30am bus. I was up $350 at this point. Thennn I ran really bad over the next several hours and dropped almost $300. At my low point, I folded a big draw on the river to an all in bet bcus the odds weren't quite right...turns out I would have hit my flush and won a $600 pot to put me up over $500. Alas, that's how it works sometimes. It was a fine fold, but I was now only up $60 on the night after having been up $350 at my high point. Luckily I managed to finish strong and played my best hand of the night to get some back. After all the ups and downs, managed to post a decent win, going home in the wee hours of the morning up $170.
So, after four days "at the office", I've done pretty decent. Probably shouldn't have played that tournament, but I've still posted positive numbers in three of the four days. Made $520 or so in total, which means about $130 a day...that's a lot more than I'd be making working a 9-to-5 temp job at $9 an hour, that's for sure. So far so good. Keep you updated.
What is "The Anti-9to5"?
I created this blog to document my displeasure with and refusal to immerse myself in the so-called "working world". Since I graduated last December with a very practical degree in Film Production, I moved back to Boston and tried temping for a while. These temp jobs, for the most part, were your very basic office related positions, or "9 to 5's".
Of course, all of these positions were part-time or contract-based, but I quickly grew tired and annoyed working these low-paying, thankless positions.
I want to be a filmmaker. Of course, what this means is that I won't be able to make money from my chosen profession for...well, a good long while. Combine that with this newly found independence following graduation (which includes such perks as paying for my own rent and the advent of $90k+ worth of lone payments to deal with come July) and you can see how my options become very thin.
What I should be doing is sucking it up, taking whatever regular paying position I can get to just pay the bills, and all the while work my ass off in my own time looking for the first full-time position I can find....
Yep, tried that. Hated that. Soooo, I recently decided to try my hand making money doing something I actually enjoy: Poker. Yes yes, that popular gambling game that so many people attribute any success in to luck. Fortunately, poker is in fact a game of skill, and it is possible to utilize that skill to make money.
And thus, a couple weeks ago I started making regular pilgrimages to the Foxwoods Casino in nearby CT to play poker...and make some money doing it to pay the bills.
What I hope to show in this blog is that it's possible to make money and have success in the "working world" without subjecting yourself to "doing time" working shitty jobs until the time comes where you can catch your break. Sure it's a risk, but hey, it's just money, right? As far as I'm concerned, there are a whole lot more important things in this world than money.
And that's kind of the ironic thing about poker: it's all about money, but it's not about the importance of money. You just can't play poker if you value your money too much, since it's that money that you're putting at risk.
For the rest of the Summer, before I move out to LA in September--Hell or high water (i.e. whether or not I have a job or the money)--I'm going to say "fuck you" to those low-pay, demoralizing temp/office jobs and make money the one way I actually can that still lets me maintain my dignity and happiness. So fuck you corporate world! I make my own hours now.
Well, that ends my lengthy introduction to this blog. I hope you'll follow along with me as I blog my exploits and success (or lack of success) while trying to make a temporary living in an unorthodox way. Enjoy!
**Forewarning: this isn't a poker blog, but I will be blogging a lot about poker, since, well...I'm playing poker at a casino 4-5 times a week. So be prepared for poker terminology and ranting about my daily ups and downs in the following months--I'll try my best to keep it to a minimum.