
New name and location!

As I mentioned I would do in the previous post, the blog has a new name (True Positives and False Love) and location and I changed the look up a bit. I'll be posting there from now on so don't look here anymore for updates! Here's the link:


Introducing Mud

I finished my first comic strip! Well...actually I finished it a week or two back but I haven't been able to scan it to my computer until late last week...

Anyway, the comic is called "Mud," referencing the central character in the strip. I'll get more into what the strip's all about in another post, but in short, Mud is a Charlie Brown-esque character of high morals and low...everything else. He's self-loathing, largely unsuccessful in most of his endeavors, and generally unspectacular and slightly pathetic.

As far as this first completed 6-panel goes, well, you'll see it's pretty rough and seems to me to be kind of stiff. I haven't sketched seriously in years and years, and this is my first hack at this kind of drawing. I don't know the first thing about how to make a comic strip aside from what I've read.

That being said, I'm pretty pleased with this first attempt. I've written three other strips, and I intend to start illustrating one of them this week. My understanding is that as I grow more comfortable with the characters and the style, I should be able to draw the strips a bit faster and more efficiently, so hopefully I'll have the next one up sometime next week. That remains to be seen though, as I have other creative projects I'm working on most of the time now.

Without further ado, the first installment of "Mud":

*Note: I'll try and post a little more often the rest of this month, but I can't make any guarantees as I've been keeping myself busy writing/reading/watching/running/etc. Don't get me wrong, this is a good thing, but I still like to post as often as I have interesting things to post about.

**P.S. The blog will have a new name and new look very soon, so keep a look-out!


Plus Ones

I've been listening to this song by Okkervil River called "Plus Ones" non-stop all day. If you haven't heard it check it out--the lyrics are great and really clever...how many of the references can you name?

Plus Ones- Okkervil River

No one wants to hear about your 97th tear
So dry your eyes or let it go uncried, my dear
I am all out of love to mouth into your ear
And not above letting a love song disappear before it's written

And no one wants a tune about the 100th luftballoon that was seen shooting from the window of your room
To be a spot against the sky's colossal gloom
And land deflated in some neighbor's state that's strewn with 99 others

8 chinese brothers
Well, there's a reason why the last is smiling wide and sitting higher than the others
Swinging his arms

You would probably die before you shot up 9 miles high
Your eyes dilated as light played upon the sight
Of TVC16 as it sings you goodnight
Relaxed as hell and locked up in cell 45
I hope you're feeling better

51st way to leave your lover
Admittedly, it doesn't seem to be as gentle or as clean as all the others
Even a scars all in the after hours of some Greenpoint bar

I told you, I can't listen, baby, 'bout the 4th time you were a lady and how your forthrightness betrayed a secret shyness
Stripped away by days of being hailed as "your highness"
And what's new pussycat, as you were once a lionness
They cut your claws out

Kitten, not everyone's keen on lighting candle 17, the party's done, the cake's all gone, the plates are clean
The chauffeur's near and from the cheerless mezzanine
And in just one year, this straight world could pay to see what they have been missing

You were caught kissing 8 chinese brothers
Well, there's a reason why the last is smiling wide and sitting higher than the others
Staking with charm

And he says, "Lets get lost, let them send out alarms
He says, "Let's get crossed out and come to harm"
"Lets make the world's stupidest stand and truly mean it
Lets hit the limit of loss over lover's arms
No, lets exceed it"


Thoughts at work

I think I'm allergic to something in the office where I work--every day I come in and develop a cough. Maybe I'm allergic to office life...


lazy saturday

I don't really have much new to post about, but I'm restless sooo...this will hopefully be a short/light post.

Main news: I think I'm going to return to poker at the end of August, most likely--but possibly not until October. I've been saving up money from my new "job" and I've been thinking about using it to start an online bankroll, since the casino is really too far/troublesome to go every day and make a consistent enough profit to sustain me. Also, my lease ends at the end of August so I'll probably be leaving Boston (although I'm currently looking into alternatives to going home..).

As much as I dislike online poker compared to live play, it's a more realistic way for me to make a safer, steadier profit. I could treat it like a regular job (6-8 hour playing sessions/day), but since it's my own time I could be more flexible with when/what days I play. Also, I can play from home (wherever that may be), which is a plus. Not 100% yet, but it may be a nice alternative to going home in September.

Speaking of my love for Boston and inability to let it go, I ran across this on a friend's site and I've been meaning to share. If you're familiar with PostSecret (uh who isn't?) it's a similar deal. Here's one of the daily questions posted on The Wheel:

And here's his answer:

Check it out, it's pretty cool. I haven't seen it first-hand yet, but I believe it will be in Harvard Square beginning August 3rd. I live nearby so I might just have to go and write my own question...

That's it for today, friends. It's bright and sunny (and not rainy). Go outside!

*Note: I just realized I should probably change the name of my blog...it doesn't really apply anymore since, well, I'm working a 9 to 5 and I'm not playing poker right now. "The Life of Nate" makes more sense seeing as that's what it's basically become. I did not intend this. Ugh. I'll reevaluate soon.