
Introducing Mud

I finished my first comic strip! Well...actually I finished it a week or two back but I haven't been able to scan it to my computer until late last week...

Anyway, the comic is called "Mud," referencing the central character in the strip. I'll get more into what the strip's all about in another post, but in short, Mud is a Charlie Brown-esque character of high morals and low...everything else. He's self-loathing, largely unsuccessful in most of his endeavors, and generally unspectacular and slightly pathetic.

As far as this first completed 6-panel goes, well, you'll see it's pretty rough and seems to me to be kind of stiff. I haven't sketched seriously in years and years, and this is my first hack at this kind of drawing. I don't know the first thing about how to make a comic strip aside from what I've read.

That being said, I'm pretty pleased with this first attempt. I've written three other strips, and I intend to start illustrating one of them this week. My understanding is that as I grow more comfortable with the characters and the style, I should be able to draw the strips a bit faster and more efficiently, so hopefully I'll have the next one up sometime next week. That remains to be seen though, as I have other creative projects I'm working on most of the time now.

Without further ado, the first installment of "Mud":

*Note: I'll try and post a little more often the rest of this month, but I can't make any guarantees as I've been keeping myself busy writing/reading/watching/running/etc. Don't get me wrong, this is a good thing, but I still like to post as often as I have interesting things to post about.

**P.S. The blog will have a new name and new look very soon, so keep a look-out!

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