
another day another dollar

Finally got back to the Woods today after a week absence, as I've been making excuses not to go pretty much every day since last Monday.

Anyway, went today, hit the +$250 mark within an hour, and pretty much chilled for the next 4 hours. Finished up $235 for a nice start to the week.

Might pull the double and go tomorrow, since Wednesday I'm headed to an improve show my roommate is teching at the Improve Asylum and Thursday is me bdayyy. Birthday's are overrated but I can still use it as an excuse to hang out with good friends and drink more than I should.

And Friday is...well, Friday (tough to get a bus to the casino on Fridays also, since it's the end of the work week and peeps are looking for a way to let off some steam built up since the beginning of the week). Saturday is my joint partyyyy with my friend Jen...so psyched. Another short "work" week...have to make the most of it tomorrow I suppose...wish me luck at the tables!

Also recently (i.e. today), having second (or third...) thoughts about LA. There are so many things I want to do...but is LA really the place? Maybe I need to go somewhere my friends aren't...New York? Toronto? Abroad? I don't really care about money so my options are more open...

Today's been really nostalgic for me. I don't have regrets (except ONE, which I have told no one), but for some reason today I've been thinking a lot about my college life and relationships. I should say "relationship" (singular) since I've only been in one real relationship in college (and that one was short-lived). Anyway, it's been a weird few days.

I've been thinking a lot about life. About what I want to do for the rest of mine. And I've come to realize all of the things I want to do in my lifetime and how little I've done already...why must things like money, lust, apathy and hate get in the way of the great things people could achieve for the world?

I won't stray too deep into this line of thought, but what I'm getting at is that there are a lot of things that are fucked up about this world--and there are so few people alive willing to stand up to these deceptions. I want to be one of those people. I have been blind and apathetic my whole life, but I just now am starting to realize the things I can accomplish if only I set my mind to them...

Now I just need to figure out where to start...

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