
Oh the places you'll go

This morning I woke up and it was the best I’ve felt in a long time. I can’t quite put my finger on it, because it certainly wasn’t the circumstances (I had work all day and it was raining outside). Still, I experienced incredible elation as I walked the rainy route to my work—and not because it was Friday (well…maybe a little bit because it was Friday).

Perhaps part (or a lot) of it is just my mood or natural changing state, but I like to think I’m again hopeful and excited about my possibilities for the future. I’ve been more than a little freaked out about financial burden placed on myself and my parents that comes with excessive loan debt and loss of jobs, not to mention my uncertainty as to where I’ll go/what I’ll do once my lease ends at the end of next month. On my good days it’s unequivocally LA or bust; on my bad days I often resign myself to the possibility of living at home for a few months—or longer—until I can get my finances somewhat in order.

But TODAY—today is a good day. (So far). Yes, it’s true, I am once again working a temp job that is 9 to 5, but I really am happy about the semblance of structure it’s reinstalling in my life right now. I’ve been pretty sick with a gross cold the past few days, and now that it’s finally kicking the bucket, I can finally see the fruits of this two-week excursion back into temp/office life. Once these two weeks are up, I want to carry this little bit of structure I have into the rest of August, so I can really challenge myself with the things I want to achieve—for that month and for the next few years.

Recently, I’ve been sketching storyboards for the comic strip I mentioned, which aren’t looking as awful as I’d initially imagined. I’m actually pretty psyched about the character designs for the two major characters I’ve finished (although I’m having trouble consistently replicating them—which proves a big problem for a regular strip…). Hopefully I’ll be able to draw, ink and finish the first strip over the next week, and once I do I’ll be sure to post it here for you!

As to my other endeavors, I’ve mentioned my reading and movie-watching, but I’d also like to focus again on my fitness (running/working out), work on developing some screenplay ideas, and, perhaps most importantly, focus once more on the documentary feature on Kuduro (a popular Angolan hip-hop music/dance) I want to pursue over the next few years.

While the future still remains blurry, August is certainly looking brighter. Ultimately, I think I will decide LA is the right choice, and one way or another, I’ll find a way to get out there and settled before the end of the year. Right now, at this moment, I’m not worried one bit.

On some other notes:

-Can’t wait for Funny People to come out at the end of the month—it looks fucking hilarious.

-Read: Short story "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" by Jorge Luis Borges

-Watch: "Stop Making Sense" Jonathan Demme directed Talking Heads concert documentery

-Listen: "The 59’ Sound" by the Gaslight Anthem. You’ll be hooked within minutes. Trust me.

Well, that’s it for today, kiddies. Until next time, eat your fruits and vegetables.

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